Mystic Marijuana: New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Moon in Capricorn! With the first new moon of the year, we can easily become scatterbrained — throwing non priorities out of sight to fix our vision on obligatory resolutions.

Stop being so inclined to accomplish so much right away, this new moon is a reminder to treat our life goals as a marathon rather than a sprint. Build endurance and strength first to persevere at your own pace.

I find upbeat tropical sativas such as Pineapple Express or Maui Waui aid in pointing my ambitious arrow in the right direction, aiming for my goals before aimlessly shooting. Either of these creative strains target a compelling summit of productivity for you to set foot on and start climbing.

In combination with a tropical sativa, use the new moon in Capricorn’s energy to feel in control of your journey. May your treacherous crooked path be worth the dazzling view at the top!