Holistic Healing: Detox Bath

Holistic Healing: Detox Bath

Hey all you cool cats and kittens (hehe)! How are we all holding up during these strange times? Feeling anxious? Stir crazy? Exhausted? Uncertain? Or are you able to embrace the unknown? Creating new content? Finishing books that you’ve been putting off? Discovering new films? Either way, one thing that is for sure is the need to pay close attention to our bodies and spirits as heavy energies continue to knock at our doors.


Whether you’re stuck at home with many thoughts and/or people in your space or still going to work, a little detox is in order. There are many different ways to detoxify the body, be it through the foods we’re consuming, herbal teas and home remedies, keeping our physical environment clean, exercise and movement, and more. Being close to or submerged in water always makes me feel better regardless of the ailment. With more time at home and the opportunity to slow down, I’ve been taking more regular baths, which help to detox and soothe my body and reset my soul.

Since becoming pregnant, I’ve found that epsom salts help to soothe any minor aches and pains, especially sore muscles from exercise and preventing muscles spasms in my legs. Epsom Salt also helps to ease any lingering muscle tension which tends to build during moments of stress.


Currently I’m enjoying essential oils of bergamot, eucalyptus, and peppermint. Bergamot is derived from the peels of the Seville orange that has both a citrus and sweet smell and similarly a calming and uplifting effecting. Eucalyptus is great to use in a steamy bath especially if you feel any congestion or mucus buildup in your chest or throat. Peppermint is a clearing and cleansing herb/oil that produces a nice, cooling scent and effect that is also helpful for minor headaches.

Adding a few drizzles of CBD oil or a CBD bath bomb adds a luxurious element to the bath experience. Oils in general are nice in baths as they sit on the water’s surface and easily absorb into your skin. Whether you personally prefer to add CBD or THC elements to the bath can depend on if you want a more calming, sometimes sedative effect or a more wavy time. Either way incorporating some element of the plant can be really peaceful and a good way to also honor Mother Earth.

Detox Bath Prescription

1 Cup of Epsom Salt (approximate)
5-7 drops Bergamot oil
3-5 drops of Eucalyptus oil
5 drops of Peppermint oil
Drizzle of CBD oil or 1 bath bomb

~ Kenya Ku$h~